






何が言いたいかというと、日本人ができると英語レベルと英語圏で求められる英語レベルは明らかに違うということである。例えば、リスニングであれば、NHK英語講座、英検、TOEFL, IELTSで学習している人が多いが、非常にきれいな英語で、こちらではほとんど聞かない。リーディングであれば、英語圏だと、新聞等のニュース記事になるが、ローカル記事でさえ、1万語のレベルになる。リーディングやリスニングでこれくらいのギャップが発生するので、ライティングやスピーキングのギャップはさらに大きい。そもそも学習時間が足りないのである。


ネイティブとの差は埋められないとはいえ、ギャップを埋めることは可能なので、今、やっているのは次の通り。まず、スピーキングの練習として、日本語から英語に訳す反訳トレーニングを実施している。教材は主に、CNN English Express。リスニングと語彙については、こちらのラジオ(NPR Morning Edition, NPR All things Considered, NPR marketplace, KQEDのForum)やポッドキャスト(主にFinancial Timesのもの)を聴いたり、コメディ(Big Bang Theory, Young Sheldon)を観たりして、気になった表現や単語をメモ。英検1級以上のレベルが出てくるので、英英英単語超上級と究極の英単語プレミアムをやっている。英語圏のボキャブラリー本もあるが、音声がないので、日本語のものを使っている。でてくる例文も、当然、反訳トレーニングを実施。

リーディングは、毎日、Wall street journalかFinancial Timesを図書館で読むほかに、物理等の専門書を読むこと。時々、精読という点で、大学受験の参考書(英文解釈教室等)を使っている。ライティングについては、これらにでてくる表現を書いたりする(書写)だけ。



シリコンバレー通信:クパチーノの側にあるランチョサンアントニオ保護地区(Rancho San Antonio Preserve)も春がきました。

先週と今週、Rancho San Antonio Preserveをウォーキングしてきました。駐車料が無料なので、毎週土曜日、時間があれば平日夕方に、訪れています。



この2週間は、物理として1)場の量子論と2)量子コンピューティング(Qiskit)の学習。量子プログラミングを突き詰めるつもりはないので、量子力学の応用例として考えていきたい。物理も研究ではないので、場の量子論あたりまでにとどめて、興味がある分野は、SpringerのGraduate Texts in Physicsか学部レベルを読んでいく。基本は洋書。


Age Techについては、現代制御論をおさらいしている。自分一人でやり遂げるサービス選定が難しい。宇宙機や自動車に対する自動制御や姿勢制御ソフトウェアは、多くのエンジニアのリソースが必要になる。自分一人でコントロールでき、ライフワークとなるサービス創成を見つけていきたい。


(2024年4月6日追記 便潜血検査で、2回のうち1回が陽性。日本で大腸カメラを受診する予定。米国でも受診が可能だが、予約の取りにくさと全身麻酔の面倒さ。やはり、米国の一般の医療体制は、途上国レベルだと実感。)





A)量子論学習をいったんお休みして、量子コンピューティングのおさらい。IBM Qiskitの学習。洋書2冊。




Australia and Singapore Stock Markets Information Links オーストラリア/シンガポール株式投資情報入手

Japanese investors have few opportunities to get information apart from Japan and U.S. I will show the links related to Australia and Singapore Stock Markets. I think these links are very useful to compare with Japan and China


MarketIndex Australia is the best link to analyse the companies listed in ASX.

Monex Securities Australia

Monex Securities Australia provide Australian with best platform, which is much better than Monex Japan. Unfortunately, they do not allow Japan residents to open account.

Use information they provide is Insight


NabTrade, subsidy of National Bank of Australia, is probably the largest broker in Australia. They provide useful information in Insights including podcast.



PhillipCapital is the largest broker in ASEAN. They provide the following useful informations.

StocksBnB: good research information in ASEAN

PhillipCapital Youtube: Updated weekly information

Space Agencies will use AWS ground station or Azure Orbital for Low Earth Orbit.

Microsoft released Azure Orbital September 2020, 2 years after Amazon started AWS ground station in 2018. Azure Orbital provide spacecraft users with all-in-one services between ground station and data archiving. Moreover, Azure orbital users can use the largest Ground Station Provider, KSAT, which whole space agencies use.

Then, can space agencies use these cloud service apart from security consideration?

Currently, NO. Space agencies use international standard, particularly CCSDS, to have interoperability among space agencies, while AWS and Azure provide commercial standard, such as ANSI standard. Therefore, developing ecosystem is necessary to have interface between Space Agencies assets and these commercial services.

Basical data flaw of spacecraft operations
Basical data flaw of apace agencies spacecraft operations. They use CCSDS-compliant standard for communication.
Basical data flaw of spacecraft operations by AWS or Azure Orbital. They provide commercial standard, which is imcompatible with space agencies
Basical data flaw of spacecraft operations. Imcompatibility in standard is obstacle for space agencies to use commercial cloud service.
Basical data flaw of spacecraft operations. Developing ecosystem lets space agencies use cloud services, if space agencies develop compatible software with commercial standard or they buy software modules.

Aerospace stocks

I’m also monitoring Aerospace stocks, especially devices and ground services. The following companies are not judged by stock valuations, but by my thought whether these companies will be potential around 2025 or 2030.

Spacecraft Monitoring & control services and ground station devices.

Kratos https://www.kratosdefense.com/

Kratos is the most potential company, providing ground station devices both to AWS ground station and Microsoft Azure. Kratos is also providing EPOCH, spacecraft monitoring and control software to commercial satellites. Unfortunately, PER will be over 300 times with the rumor that Lockeed Martin might purchase Kratos.

Spacecraft operations services

THALES https://www.thalesgroup.com/en

LEONARDO https://www.leonardocompany.com/en/home

These companies have strength in European. Thales Alenia and Telespazio are part of these companies. These companies will be valuable compared with US stocks.

Onboard devices

Spacecrafts are embedded systems in order to control in limited capacity. Therefore, FPGA and ASIC(Application Specific Integrated Circuit) are key products.




Microchip Technology

Hydrogen and NGV(Natural Gas Vehicle) stocks

I’m monitoring the listed companies for Hydrogen and NGV(natural gas vehicle). Hydrogen is potential energy to produce electricity, which will be next generation as FCV (Fuel Cell Vehicle) after EV(Electricity vehicle). Many governments, including California, promote FCV or EV to eliminate CO2 production. Electricity battery is not only applied into automobile but also into airplane, ship, even spacecrafts, meaning that hydrogen energy must be key issue for MaaS(Mobility as a Service).

Related Hydrogen stocks are as follow:

Plug Power

Ballard Power

NEL Hydrogen


I estimate that NGV(natural gas vehicle) will be much more attracted between 2025 and 2030 than EV and FCV. Half of energy is coming from natural gas to produce electricity or hydrogen which works for EV or FCV. Using natural gas directly is much more efficient than using electricity or hydrogen which is transferred from the gas. Experts with technology background notice that NGV is much better than EV or FCV, while investors focus on middle-term profit.

Related NGV stocks are as follow:

Cummins Natural Gas Engine

Yoron Island, 与論島、鹿児島

Yoron island in Kagoshima Prefecture is the best resort place in clean sea water, much better than Okinawa, Ishigaki, Miyakojima.

It takes only 35-minute flight from Naha Airport, 2-hour in taking ferry from Motobu, Okinawa.

The best place in the island is Yurigahama, which is the land at a low tide during a limited period between spring and autumn. It takes 3000yen in round trip each person to go to the island by boat.

Gate to Yurigahama, 1.5 km from there. August,2020
Yurigahama. August, 2020
Yurigahama. August 2020
Beach near Yoron Airport. August, 2020