If you arrive at Naha Okinawa airport, I will recommend you to eat in Fish restaurant “Uomaru” “魚まる”. This restaurant is within 5-minute walk from Akamine station, just one stop from airport station. The restaurant provide with fish set including raw fish “sashimi” around 1000yen.
I added Reishi Mashroom for daily Chinese Herbal tea, in order to improve my immune system. Reishi mashroom has been as expensive as gold since China dynasties, but the artificial cultivation that succeeded in 1970s decreased the prices. Currently, Reishi is widely cultivated in Japan.
My updated herbal tea is including Chrysanthemum Flower 菊花 Lycium Fruit 枸杞子 Glossy Privet Fruit 女貞子 Solomonseal Rhizome 黄精 Rehmannia Root 熟地黄 Cistanche Herb 肉蓯蓉 Ganoderma lingzhi 霊芝 Honeysuckle Stem 忍冬
If I feel fever, I add the following two herbs. Forsythia Fruit 連翹 Platycodon Root 桔梗